Monday, August 10, 2009

3. Perfection: A Memoir of Betrayal and Renewal - Julie Metz

An amazing story about a woman whose husband passes away, leaving her with their little girl ... a few months after he dies, she finds out about his numerous affairs during their marriage. She actually tracks the women down and talks to/emails them ... and the book chronicles her emotions and her struggle to move on with her life.

It's painful enough to deal with the infidelity of your significant other. What do you do when they're dead and you can't scream at them and tell them how much they've hurt you?

This was such a beautifully written book. I could feel Metz's pain when her husband died; when she found out about the first affair. Her husband's psychiatrist said he likely had narcissistic personality disorder ... hmm. More men I know have that than most would realize. But that's for another post. From Metz, when she found out about the first affair (which was with a close family friend and neighbor):

"A gun was too swift, too merciful. I wanted a sword to slit her end to end and then, with one hundred more cuts, dice her body into small pieces and leave the bloodied, quivering remains of skin, muscle, and soulless guts on her front lawn, arranged in a gruesome scarlett letter.
I couldn't kill Henry anymore, since he was, conveniently enough, dead."

Also, something I need to remember and pay heed to in my life:
"Forgiveness is a wonderful thing, the only truth that saves us from eating ourselves alive and causing damage to everyone we love."

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