There is an incredible amount of information in this book, i.e. explaining what your FICO score is and why it's so important; how to deal with student loan debt; tips on dealing with finances for newlyweds (interesting tip - make a commitment to sit down once a year with your significant other and check your FICO scores together!); explaining the difference between 401(k)s and Roth IRAs; the best way to deal with and pay off your student loan debt; how to figure out if you're in the position to be able to buy a home; and why credit cards aren't always bad ... and why it's sometimes a bad idea to cancel them!
This is definitely a book I'd have to reference again as I reach certain stages in my life ... I'm not the type to take everything that one person says as gospel, but this did seem to have some great information. I also really appreciated having a book that was geared towards younger, just-starting-out folks (why keep telling recent college grads that we need to have eight months of expenses in an emergency fund when we've barely started working?!).
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